In the realm of {ecommerce growth}, data is the compass that guides strategic decisions. Google Analytics offers a plethora of tools to analyze and interpret user behavior, but understanding the hierarchy of views, properties, and accounts is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll demystify the differences between these concepts and empower you with insights for optimized data management and analysis to drive your {ecommerce growth} strategies.

Unveiling the Hierarchy: Views, Properties, and Accounts

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s explore why understanding the hierarchy of Google Analytics matters. A clear comprehension of how data is organized within your account ensures that you’re effectively tracking, managing, and deriving insights from your analytics data.

Exploring the Building Blocks

Question: What Are Views, Properties, and Accounts?

  1. Accounts: An account is the highest level of organization in Google Analytics. It’s created when you sign up for the service and acts as a container for your properties.
  2. Properties: A property represents a website, app, or entity that you want to track. It contains settings, data, and configurations for tracking user interactions.
  3. Views: A view is a subset of data within a property. It allows you to apply filters and settings to analyze specific segments of your data.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I have multiple accounts under one Google Analytics login? Yes, you can have multiple Google Analytics accounts associated with a single login.

Q2: Can I apply different settings to views within the same property? Absolutely. Views allow you to apply specific settings and filters to analyze data differently while maintaining the integrity of the original property data.

Q3: Will deleting a view affect the data in other views or properties? No, deleting a view only affects the data within that specific view. It doesn’t impact data in other views or properties.

The Anatomy of Accounts

Question: What Defines an Account?

  1. Account Name: The name you give your account should accurately reflect the business or entity it represents.
  2. Account ID: This is a unique identifier assigned to each Google Analytics account and is used for tracking and management.

Properties: Your Digital Assets

Question: What’s the Role of Properties?

  1. Property Setup: When you create a property, you associate it with a website, app, or digital entity that you want to track.
  2. Tracking ID: Each property is assigned a tracking ID, a unique code that you implement on your website or app to enable data collection.

Views: Navigating Data Perspectives

Question: How Do Views Enhance Analysis?

  1. Data Segmentation: Views allow you to segment your data by applying filters. This segmentation enhances your ability to analyze specific subsets of data.
  2. Setting Configuration: Each view can have its own settings and filters, such as excluding internal traffic or focusing on specific geographic regions.

Setting Up and Managing Views, Properties, and Accounts

Question: How Do I Get Started?

  1. Access Your Google Analytics Account: Log in to your Google Analytics account to access your existing properties, views, and accounts.
  2. Navigate to Admin: Under the “Admin” section, you can create new properties, set up views, and manage your accounts.

Step 3: Creating Views

Question: What’s the Process?

  1. View Name: Give your view a descriptive name that reflects its purpose, such as “Internal Traffic Excluded.”
  2. View Settings: Configure settings such as currency, time zone, and data sharing options specific to this view.

Step 4: Applying Filters

Question: How Can I Optimize Views?

  1. Filter Inclusion: Use filters to refine data within a view. For example, you can exclude internal traffic or focus on specific geographic locations.
  2. View Segmentation: Applying filters helps you create multiple views that focus on different aspects of your data.


Understanding the distinctions between views, properties, and accounts in Google Analytics is the foundation of optimized data management and analysis for your {ecommerce growth}. By comprehending the hierarchy, creating tailored views, configuring properties, and navigating your account settings, you’re empowered to unlock a world of valuable insights that fuel your strategic success.


As you embark on the journey of data management and analysis, remember that clarity in organization drives strategic success. Share your experiences and insights in the comments below, and let’s continue to elevate our understanding of how views, properties, and accounts contribute to {ecommerce growth}.

Roger Lopez
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